Collectors - turn your pipe dreams into reality

Wishful thinking.

Pipe dreams.

Impossible goals.

I'm all for them.

Collectors always have things on their list they never believe they'll own. Picture yours right now.

The items that are out of reach. Too expensive. Or simply too rare.

But you never completely dismiss them. They're in the back of your mind.

Because you never know...

Collecting is a curious business.

Sometimes you get the chance to turn your pipe dream into reality.

I did. And I can help you do the same.

 My personal offer to you

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The pursuit of excellence is something Henry VIII would have certainly have approved of...

When I began my own autograph journey back in 1976, I never imagined I'd be able to own Henry VIII's signature.

After all, there are few more famous figures in world history.

He's England's most famous King. Every school child knows his story. His life even inspired the work of Shakespeare.

But you can make your own luck as a collector. Over the years I've been presented with opportunities, and I've taken them.

I've acquired three documents signed by Henry's hand. Each one a museum piece. A treasure of British history.

And I know the incredible sense of accomplishment that comes with owning such a prestigious item.

I'd like to help you achieve it as well.

So today I've re-priced this rare Henry VIII signed manuscript.

It's now available for £55,000. You can save £10,000.

When you read the incredible history behind this piece, you'll understand why that price drop is significant.

And why this is an opportunity worth taking.Now this is important...

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This manuscript is without doubt the most significant historic document in my entire collection.This is a magnificent 510-year-old Tudor manuscript.

Signed boldly by King Henry VIII in 1513.

It's a rarity that elevates your collection to an entirely new level.

  • It features an outstanding signature
  • It's beautifully preserved after more than half a millennium
  • And it carries incredible historic significance

You can honestly say that this piece of parchment changed the world.

It really is that important.

Because this document represents a loan made by Henry VIII to Sir Richard Gresham.

The loan which led to the birth of the London Stock Exchange.

A 500-year-old autograph

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Touched by Royal hands, and preserved for over 500 years. This is collecting at its very finest.

The fact that this document survives at all is remarkable.

The provenance is flawless. It was originally owned by Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792 - 1872), a British Baronet whose collection of rare books and manuscripts rivalled the British Library.

The vellum manuscript measures 11.3 x 8.5 inches, and has been carefully maintained for 513 years.

The condition is exceptional. The text is crisp, clear and unfaded by time.

And Henry VIII's Royal signature is large, bold and true.

Signed “Henry R" - short for Henry "Rex Omnibus", the Latin for "king of all".

This is an autograph of the utmost rarity.

And when you own it, you own the story that comes with it...

An extraordinary loan

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Thomas Gresham inherited his family's business empire, and fearlessly wrote himself into English history.

Richard Gresham (1485 - 1549) was a merchant who supplied Henry with luxurious fabrics and tapestries for his Royal palaces.

In 1513 the King gave him a loan of £637 - an extraordinary sum, worth more than £4 million today.

This document is the record of that loan, and reads in part:

"Richard Gresham of oure Citie of London with other stonde bounde by obligacion for the payment to oure use of the somme of Sixe hundred thirty seven poundes and ten shillynges at a certayn daie expired".

Gresham used the money to grow his business, build himself a financial empire and become Lord Mayor of London.

An institution is born

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The Royal Exchange: the original home of commerce in London, made possible by this very loan document.

Richard's empire then passed to his son Thomas Gresham (1519 - 1579), and in 1565 he used this fortune to build The Royal Exchange.

It was the centre of commerce in London, where money flowed from around the world.

Although stockbrokers were initially banned for their "rude manners", by the late 17th century they were at home in the Exchange.

This was the birth of a regulated stock market in London - a global financial institution worth trillions.

Today The Royal Exchange is one of London's most historic sites. And on the roof stands a huge weathervane in the form of a grasshopper...

The symbol of The House of Gresham. Built on Henry VIII's loan of 1513.

Without this document, history would have been very different.

A crowning achievement

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The signature of Henry VIII: one of the rarest and most impressive autographs you will ever own.This is a major acquisition for serious collectors.

Passionate, dedicated keepers of history.

It you place yourself in that category, I'm offering you ownership and the status that comes with it.

This Henry VIII signed manucript can be your crowning achievement.

  • A magnificent 500-year-old Royal manuscript
  • With provenance from England's most celebrated private collection
  • A document that shaped the history of global economics
  • Signed by the Royal hand of King Henry VIII

Few people will ever have the opportunity to own Henry VIII's autograph.

Even fewer will own an example as impressive as this.

Today you can add your name to that exclusive club.

So build the collection you've always dreamed of.

This singular piece of Royal history is available for £55,000 ($73,000).

If you'd like to purchase it, contact me today.

Purchase this document now

This manuscript is offered with my Lifetime Guarantee of Authenticity and an official Certificate of Authenticity.

International delivery is free and fully insured.

This is a simply stunning historic document.

So if you demand the finest, the rarest, and the most significant...

You won't find a better piece on the market today.

To reserve it now, email me at

Or call me on +44 (0) 117 933 9500.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Until next time,

Paul Fraser

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