- A highly rare Royal document signed by England's first Queen Mary Tudor
- Dated October 9, 1558, just 38 days before her death
Mary Tudor (1516 - 1558) was the first Queen of England, who reigned from 1553 until 1558.
She inherited the throne from her father Henry VIII, and following her death it passed to her sister Elizabeth I.
Mary was a devout Catholic, who attempted to undo her father's reformation of the English church. And she earned the nickname 'Bloody Mary' due to her reputation for burning Protestant heretics at the stake.
But Mary was also fiercely intelligent, brave and ambitious, and was the first female monarch to claim the throne in a male-dominated world.
Today she is regarded as a political pioneer, whose actions redefined the English monarchy.
A one-page manuscript on vellum, measuring approx. 6” x 9” (155mm x 230mm).
Complete with its original Royal paper seal still intact.
Featuring some water staining and evidence of older repairs, carefully carried out over the centuries.
Featuring an exceptional example of Mary Tudor's signature, signed boldly "Mary the Queen" at the top of the document.
The letter was sent from St James Palace via Royal messenger, and is dated October 9, 1558. It reads in full:
“To our trusty and welbeloved servaunt George Bredyman one of the gromes of our privie chamber.
“Trusty and welbeloved we grete you well. And woll and commaunde you of suche our treasure as remayneth in your custody to delyver unto our welbeloved Nicholas Brigham one of the tellers our eschequire the Somme of fyve thousande poundes.
“And thes our lettres together with a bill of his hande signifienge the receipt thereof to our use shalbe your sufficient warrante & discharge on that behalf.
“Given under our signet at our Mannor of St James the sixth of October the fiveth and sixte yeres of our reignes.”
Mary Tudor is known to have rarely signed letters herself, and today it's believed only a handful survive, with very few in private hands.
This document is an exceptional rarity of English Royal history.
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