Large Dragons storm Hong Kong Asian postal history sale
Large Dragon stamps set estimates ablaze in an important Asian postal history auction in Hong Kong
An important Asian postal history auction saw a collection of Large Dragon stamps smash estimates in Hong Kong on April 28-May 1.
1883-1885 Large Dragon pairing
The Large Dragon was the first stamp to be issued following the Imperial Marine Customs Post being opened to the general public in China. Denominated in candarins and issued in values of one, three and five, the 1878 Imperial Dragon was China's first ever postage stamp. The top-lot of the sale went to an imperforate between pair of 1883-1885 Large Dragon Brown-Red colour stamps. The lot is one of only four known imperforate between pairs of the 3 candarin stamp. In used condition and from an unknown setting, the stampsmade HK$1.84m ($237,166), 84% up on itspre-sale estimate.
The second highest bids were taken by a Large Dragon cover from 1883. Dated September 6, the envelope from Schonfliess, Germany is one of only two recorded Germany-China combination covers. The envelope is addressed to the German Legation in Peking and bears the hand-stamp of Rudolph Rohr, a prominent stamp dealer in Berlin. This outstanding cover sold for HK$1.75m ($22,620) in the four-day sale. Also featuringwere the highly coveted Red Revenue stamps, with an 1897 double surcharge Red Revenue making HK$1.15m ($148,227). One of only 20 known examples with the double surcharge,this example is the one illustrated in the Chan Shiu-Han catalogue. The record for a Red Revenue stamp at auction currently stands at $331,672, the highest price known to have been paid for a single Chinese stamp. Paul Fraser Collectibles is passionate about stamp collecting. Our superb collection of rare stamps features this Hong Kong 96c Olive-Bistre block of four, the only unused multiple of its kind and a unique addition to any Chinese collection.