The leather jacket Harrison Ford wore as Han Solo in Star Wars: The Force Awakens has sold for $191,000.
The signed lot crossed the block at If Only on April 11.
![]() Ford auctioned the jacket for an epilepsy charity |
It soared past its opening bid of $15,000 to achieve an exceptional result for the FACES (Finding a Cure for Epilepsy and Seizures) department at NYU Langone Medical Center.
The cause is one close to Ford's heart, as his daughter was born with the condition.
He told the New York Daily News: "When you have a loved one who suffers from this disease, it can be devastating.
"You know how it affects their lives, their future, their opportunities and you want desperately to find mitigation. You want to find a way that they can live a comfortable and effective life."
The jacket appears in the emotional scene where Princess Leia and Han Solo see each other for the first time.
Ford's central role in the franchise means that memorabilia associated with him is in high demand.
This was also his last appearance in the much-loved series, a factor that boosted the value of the jacket.
A blaster he wielded in both The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi made $200,000 in 2013.
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