A grizzly bear claw necklace is among the top lots in Heritage Auctions' November 15 American Indian & Pre-Columbian Art Signature Auction in Dallas.
The necklace, comprised of 22 claws and created in 1835 by native peoples who lived along the Missouri and Mississippi rivers, will be sold with an estimated value of $20,000-30,000.
It is strung on hide and wrapped in woven cotton cloth, interspersed with globular glass beads.
The lead lot of the sale is a Sioux boy's pictorial beaded and fringed hide shirt, which is valued at $30,000-50,000.
The piece is a fantastic example with a fascinating background, having ties to the Battle of Little Bighorn.
It bears a ink inscription on the front interior that reads: "Captured on June 25, 1876 at the Battle with Indians on the Little Big Horn River, M.T Commanded by General G A Custer, USA by Louis Rott 1st Sgt, Co. K, 7th Cavalry".
Any item relating to George Custer and his famous 7th Cavalry can expect strong results at auction, with the general's story the most popular from the Indian wars.
Pre-Columbian artefacts are highlighted by a large Veraguas gold pendant in the form of an eagle, which carries an $18,000-22,000 estimate.
The pendant weighs 109g in pure gold, with the eagle carrying a small animal in its beak. A similar example from Veraguas, Panama is housed in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Skinner will hold its auction of American Indian and Ethnographic Art in Boston on November 9, led by a Sioux wicasas beaded and quilled hide shirt at $200,000.
View the authentic strand of Native American leader Geronimo's hair we have for sale.